
Gary & Cath Grant 17th September 2015

Ashley has been my friend and work colleague for over 20 years. He will be deeply missed here at Bell Lane, across our stores and suppliers, and during more recent days from within his role at the Grant Family Office. Ashley is leaving behind all the fond memories we have of him, and there are so, so many. Ashley’s positive outlook on life was most admirable, even contagious. He always had a smile for everyone, a joke (normally not funny!) and a sparkle in his eye! This is truly a great loss to The Entertainer family. He will be profoundly missed by everyone. Nevertheless we will always remember Ashley with an ‘Ashley sized’ smile upon our faces. Personally Cath and I feel the loss of a loyal and faithful colleague, who has stood by us over so many years. We feel privileged to have known him. His experience and input has shaped our business, and his fingerprints are on much of what we see and do every day.

£100.00 (+ £25.00 Gift Aid)